This page provides information to refer to when scanning is not working.

STEP 1. Check SDK Connection

When the device is connected to the SDK, the green power LED turns on.
If the green power LED does not turn on, please close and restart the SDK program.

STEP 2. Check Driver

If the driver is not installed, the device will not connect to the SDK. Please install the driver.

Driver location: \Program Files\Xperix\RealPassSDK\Driver
Example of driver not installed

Example of driver installed correctly

STEP 3. Install Redistributable Package

If the redistributable package is not installed correctly, the device will not connect to the SDK. Please reinstall it.

Redistributable package installer location: \Program Files\Xperix\RealPassSDK\Install

STEP 4. Run 'RealPassExample_VC.exe'

After checking all procedures, run the sample app (RealPassExample_VC.exe) to verify.

When running 'RealPassExample_VC.exe', RealPass will automatically connect with a beep sound.
Place the passport on the tray and click the 'Start' button.